[#9 Lesson] It Feels Good to Help Others

[#9 Lesson] It Feels Good to Help Others

This life lesson relates to my previous blog post #9 Give Blood. Whenever I am able to help someone, it makes me feel good. I enjoy learning, whether it be university studies, reading books or life lessons. As I learn more, it increases my capacity to help more. Everyone experiences different struggles at different points in their life. If I have already experienced a struggle that someone else is going through it means I am able to help them. Even if I have not, I can still try to help them through offering other advice. In the case of donating blood, I didn’t actually feel like I had done much but at the same time I felt like I helped someone. Or at least my efforts may help someone in…
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[#86 Lesson] Just Start!

[#86 Lesson] Just Start!

This life lesson relates to my previous blog post #86 Go for a Polar Bear Swim. “A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.” - Greg S. Reid I was only introduced to this quote in 2016, long after I actually started my list. I was talking about my bucket list with my friend, Jesse, when he recited this to me. This quote embodies what a bucket list is. Write it down, plan it out and go do it. These are the three easy steps to completing anything in your life. What does this really tell us though? It tells us that you just have to start! The start…
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