[#74 Lesson] Professionals Make It Look Easy, Be Prepared to be Humble

[#74 Lesson] Professionals Make It Look Easy, Be Prepared to be Humble

This life lesson relates to my previous blog post #74 Fly in a Wind Tunnel. The title says it all and I’m sure this is a lesson everyone is aware of. It is one of those cliché saying that we have all heard since we were kids. It bears some similarities to my previous blog post [#97 Lesson] It is easy to Underestimate New Challenges. Keep both of these lessons in mind when starting any new endeavour. Whether it is a guitarist, a freestyle motocross rider, or an Olympic gymnast, when we watch these professionals perform their art, they make it look easy. A lot of times, witnessing a professional do an activity is what inspires us to try it for ourselves. Unfortunately, the realisation of how hard the activity…
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