What’s on for 2019? Have you made a list of what you want to do this year? My goals from year to year are always chopping and changing but the one thing that remains the same is my bucket list. It forms the central theme of my life goals and makes it easier for me to plan what I want to accomplish each year. This year I will be heading to Japan for a skiing trip and I should be able to cross at least two items off my list. I’m sure there will also be many other life experiences I will take in while I am there.
This New Year’s Day marks nine years of bucket listing for me and I have experienced many positive benefits over this time. My vision is to help everyone experience the positive benefits of bucket listing, which is why I began this website. To accomplish this, I have come up with the 5 Simple Steps to Starting a Bucket List, which you can find on my homepage and Launch Pad. If this sounds like something you want to experience for yourself, the time to start is now!
I have managed to have a positive influence on my girlfriend, Lexi, and she has begun her own version of setting goals for herself. She describes it as “not a bucket list, bucket list”. I have managed to get her out shark cage diving and also bungee jumping. It was amazing to see her push herself to face her fear of falling and leap of the edge.
Keep an eye out for Lexi’s first post about why she has started her list and what’s on it. She will be helping me post blogs and will offer some insight into the benefits of writing down goals and going for it. Now you will be getting quality material from me, Monika and Lexi. The word is spreading and BucketLaunch keeps growing. I am excited to see what 2019 brings for BucketLaunch.
Are you ready for a bucket list? Or maybe you just have some cool things planned this year. Let me know in the comments below.
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Dave has been on a mission, since 2010, to cross off the 100 items on his bucket list. The stories of his adventures are complimented by life lessons learned along the way and his travel tips are unique to his experiences.